Sil’s Canvas for the Future (#3)


A tiny bonus chapter based on and inspired by “The Color of Courage.” A first chance to get to know the characters and the new dual timeline series, “Timeless Agents.”


The Color of Courage: Sil’s Canvas for the Future

Bristol, June 2003

Nineteen-year-old Sil Anderson sat cross-legged on the sun-dappled grass of the schoolyard, her rainbow-colored curls tucked under a Nike cap. Her jeans were splattered with paint, the result of countless hours spent in the school’s art studio, which had become her second home. Flecks of vibrant color had found a permanent place under her fingernails, as if the roots of her creativity that embedded themselves into her very being. 

Across from her sat Ms Evelyn Carter, her art teacher and mentor, her legs tucked neatly to one side. She wore a white blouse and navy linen trousers, a perfect blend of stylish and bohemian. The thirty-year-old professor had a kind, open face that radiated warmth and  a sincere passion for unlocking potential in her students.

They shared a small picnic, the remnants of sandwiches and a thermos of tea between them, as the warm June breeze carried the scent of freshly cut grass and the chatter of other students enjoying their break on the lawn.

“You’ve made incredible progress,” Evelyn said, pouring another cup of tea and handing it to Sil. “I’m so proud of how far you’ve come since you came back to school. You have real talent, you know. A talent I seldom see.”

Sil took a sip of the tea, savoring its comforting warmth. Inside she shuddered. It had been a long journey since going astray at age thirteen, but it was true. She’d worked hard and not relapsed back into drugs or skipping classes. Much of that was thanks to Ms Carter. Sil knew her teacher’s unwavering guidance and support had saved her.

“Thank you,” Sil said, a lopsided grin lighting up her face. “That’s a great compliment from someone who’s had exhibitions all over Britain.”

“You can have that too, Sil. I think you’re ready for the next step.”

“The next step? What do you have in mind?” Sil asked, her heart thudding at the prospect of venturing beyond the routine she’d finally grown accustomed to. 

Evelyn leaned back on her hands, looking thoughtful. “I am thinking of the École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Marseille. That prestigious college has a scholarship program. I spent a year there on a scholarship myself, and I can tell you it was a life-changing experience for me. I think you should apply.”

Sil’s eyes grew wide at the mention of the possibility of attending such a renowned art school abroad. 

“Marseille? That sounds amazing, but... I don’t know, Evelyn. I mean, why would they take me? My speciality is graffiti, which is only a small part of modern art. And how would I pay for it? And is the course in French?”

Evelyn laughed, a musical sound that seemed to lighten the air around them. “That’s the Sil Anderson I love. Full of questions, full of savoir vivre.”

“Well, answer at least one of my questions, please. Why would they take a graffiti artist if they can take anyone from the wide range of modern techniques?”

 “Because these teachers at the École aren’t fools. They recognize talent when they see it and they’re all for diversifying. I think you’d stand out and that’s what they want. The school looks for originality and passion, and you have both in spades.”

“I could try, if you help me,” Sil pondered, her mind a whirl of possibilities.

“Just look up the school online first, see their requirements, mull it over in your head and then we can talk again,” Evelyn suggested as she collected their picnic things.

Sil bit her lip, excitement mingling with apprehension. The pull from the graffiti scene in Bristol and her complicated relationship with Felix Quirk still tugged at her, but the opportunity to break free from it all and study at a real art school was too tempting to ignore.

Sil rose to her 5’4’’ frame, readjusting the cap on her curls, suddenly unsure. Evelyn seemed to sense the turmoil that tugged at her young student. 

“Think about what your grandfather would say to you now. He always believed in your ability to walk your own path, didn’t he?”

Sil nodded, memories of her grandfather’s encouraging words flooding back. He’d taught her to face the world head-on, and now she had a chance to honor that lesson.

“Alright,” Sil said, determination rising in her voice like a tide. “I’ll just go for it. I trust your opinion. I’m going to apply for the scholarship.”

Evelyn beamed, clapping her hands together. “That’s the spirit! We’ll work on your portfolio together, and I’ll help you with the application. You’ve got this, Sil.”


Join Sil Anderson on her journey in "The Color of Courage", where the past and present intertwine in a tale of resilience, love, and the enduring spirit of those who dare to dream.

Preorder your copy today and be a part of Sil’s story as she paints her future from Lise’s past, one courageous stroke at a time.


Lise: Tomboy to City Lady (#4)


Living in the house of a WW2 legend (#2)