Celebrate Women's History Month with My Inspiring YouTube Series!


March is Women's History Month, a time to honour the incredible contributions and achievements of women throughout history. To commemorate this special occasion, I’ve launched a Women's History Month playlist series on YouTube!

I’d love for you to watch as I shine a spotlight on the remarkable stories of trailblazing women from all walks of life. From pioneers in science and technology to leaders in activism and the arts, each video in this series gives a short overview of the lives and legacies of extraordinary women who have shaped our present-day world in profound ways.

Whether you're familiar with their names or discovering them for the first time, these inspiring stories will lift a tip of the veil of their enduring impact.

Please watch and subscribe to my YouTube channel. After Women's History Month, I’ll return to my own heroines of the WW2 Resistance to tell you more about remarkable women in history who continue to inspire with their legacies.

Let's celebrate the past, empower the present, and inspire the future. Don't miss out on this empowering journey through Women's History Month but be part of it.


Unveiling “The London Spymaker”: Book 7 in The Resistance Girl Series


Unraveling the Enigma of Herschel Grynszpan: A Tale of Controversy and Intrigue